Target 5 is to learn how to get my work out there after i graduate.
I have started by creating a twitter account for my photography as i only have a personal one at the moment, on this i can let my followers know what i'm up to and post links to new work so that it attracts a wider audience.
My photography twitter account is: @Amelia_R_Photo
I have also been designing some new business cards as the ones i have now are a bit dated.
Here are some of my designs...
Hopefully these will both help with getting my work out there and i am hoping to get a website up and running as well. I have decided what i want to do after i graduate, which is teach sixth form, college level photography. I will still continue to do my own personal photography in my spare time and do events for family and friends and anyone who contacts me.
Last week we had two guest speakers in Layla Sailor and Anna White who came to talk to us about how they are getting work being freelance and how they went about it after graduation.
I absolutely love Layla's work i think its fantastic and so innovative, she talked about how she kind of gave up on photography after university and had some time out and traveled a bit but then realising how much she missed it and her passion for it went back to it and worked so hard to get where she is today. I have gone off the idea of being freelance as i don't think the stress of not having work for several months is necessary, i didn't know what i wanted to do after university for a long time but a few months back it clicked and i want to go into teaching photography at college level.
It was interesting as both Layla and Anna said that they had time out from photography before realising how much passion they had for it and i think sometimes you can loose sight of what your aiming for and need that time away to get back focused.
Some of the advice Layla and Anna gave us were:
- keep posting on twitter etc, this makes people think your busy even if your not
- always have a plan B when shooting for clients
- personal projects are very important to keep you passionate and creative
- don't be afraid to collaberate
Last week we were asked to produce a portfolio, which we would use to show to a client,
We were given the freedom of either doing it printed or digitally and i chose to print mine as i think its always nice to have something they can hold and flick through.
I broke my portfolio up into three sections, shape, early years and editorial. I thought these three sections fit all of my best work into them and i wanted to show that i can do different types of photography as my aim is to become a photography teacher at college level so i was imagining i would take this portfolio to an interview for that role, then showing that whatever ideas the students come up with i can relate to them and guide them as i myself do a wide range of photography.
Here are some images of my portfolio...