Tuesday 13 May 2014

Target 2: Establish a style

During my first two years in university i always seemed to be asked which side of photography i specialise in, or when i graduate what kind of work will i be doing?. My answer always seemed to be the same, 'I like everything'.

In my third and final year of university i have come to my senses and realised what i enjoy and where my passion lies in photography. It only dawned on me when i was looking back at the projects i had done over my studies i started to notice a pattern.

Media has always been a subject alongside photography that has interested me and within the media photography is used to a great extent.

I have never thought of myself as a feminist but when looking back at my work i realised that i always seem to focus on women. Whether it be mothers, teenage girls or just women in general. There also has been a focus on the women in my life, aunties, mothers, sisters etc.

Third year is a time when you need to bring in your interests and do work that you really have passion for. My dissertation was based on the women in my life looking at the transition of woman to mother and how the females i am closest too have dealt with this change. My most recent body of work for my final major project was based on teenage girls and how they are affected by the media and society.

I have also realised that my passion lies in portraiture, not really the clean and perfect studio portraits but more of the documentary natural and raw portraits of women, like those of Petra Collins and Rineke Dijkstra.

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